Python Training in Hyderabad
Python is an extensive programming language that is majorly used for Rapid Application Development (RAD), prototyping, data analysis, artificial intelligence and scientific computing. It is one of the most simple and straightforward programming languages to learn with an easy syntax. Nexson IT Python Training in Hyderabad Guaranteed hands-on experience, placement support and so much more are offered at our Python training institute in Hyderabad.
- Beginner-Friendly Programming Language.
- Industry Level Training
- Practical Assignments
- Placement Assistance
Best Python Training Institute in Hyderabad
Python is a programming Language which can be utilized for a wide range of applications. It is a great language for learners due to its comprehensibility and other auxiliary components intended to make it straightforward, Python isn’t constrained to essential usage. It controls a portion of the world’s most complex applications and site.
Python is a fairly old language created and developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1989. While working at the National Research Institute at the Netherlands But officially Python was made available to the public in 1991. The official Date of Birth for Python is: Feb 20th, 1991. Python is recommended as the first programming language for beginners The syntax of the Python is clean; length of the Python code is relatively short.
• System utilities (system admin tools, command line programs).
• Web Development.
• Graphical User Interfaces (Tkinter, gtk, Qt).
• Internet scripting.
• Embedded scripting.
• Database access and programming.
• Game programming.
• Rapid prototyping and development.
• Distributed programming
What are the Features of Python programming language:
• Simple and easy to learn
• Freeware and Open Source
• High-Level Programming language
• Platform Independent
• Portability
• Dynamically Typed
• Both Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented
• Python is Interpreted
• Extensible
• Embedded
• Python is a large and comprehensive standard library
• GUI Programming
• Automatic memory management
• Automatic garbage collection
• Python is a multi-paradigm
Who Uses Python?
• YouTube
• Google
• DropBox
• RospBerryPI
• BitTorrent
• Yahoo
• Honeywell, HP, Philips and United Space Alliance
Python is the most preferred programming language for having high-performance computing. It is the most simple and easiest programming language with straightforward syntax. Nexson IT Solution is the most reputed Python Training Institute in Hyderabad. It has designed to give your career a strong boost in trending technology. What are the Pre-Requisites of this course? There is no need of particular basics to learn Python course. But basic knowledge in any of the programming language will be added a value asset. Why should you take Python Training? Python is popular object oriented language which is simple to learn and easy to deploy as well. Python can run on a various systems like Linux, windows and Mac. After the completion of Python Training in Hyderabad. Aspirants can work on Big Data Hadoop Environment for very high salary package range. Python is completely with Language Interoperability. It is also documentation system with hierarchical module system to boost revenues. Who can take this Python Course? The intended audience who wants to make a career in the Python must Python Training in Hyderabad from Nexson IT Solutions.
• BI Managers and Project Managers
• Software Developers and ETL Professionals
• Analytical Professionals
• Big Data Professionals
• Network Professionals
• Marketing and Sales Professionals
• System Engineers
• IT Professionals
• Communication Professionals
- Why programming
- What is computer programming
- Getting to know Python
- How to setup Python on Windows
- How to setup Python on Linux
- How to setup Python on Mac
- Features of Python
- IDLE Environment for python programming execution
- Anaconda Software Installation
- Spyder Tool
- Canopy Tool
- Jypyter Tool
- COLAB Environment for Python
- Pycharm Tool
- Starting Python for the first time
- Your Code
- Saving and Executing your code
- Executing Code from command line
- Comments
- Input & output statements
- Input()
- Print()
- Types of Data Support by Python
- Numeric
- Strings
- Boolean
- None
- Complex
- Literal constants
- Binary
- Octal
- Hexadecimal
- Types of Operators
- Arithmetic
- Relational
- Logical
- Assignment
- Membership
- Identity
- Bitwise
- Operator Precedence
- Associativity of an Operator
- Conditional Statements
- If statement
- If else statement
- If elif else statement
- Looping Statements
- For loop
- While loop
- Nested loops
- Special Statements
- Break
- Continue
- Pass
- Return
- Introduction to Function
- Types of functions
- Built-in Functions
- User Defined Functions
- Syntax for defining and calling functions
- Classification of Functions
- No Arguments and No Return Values
- With arguments and No Return Values
- With Arguments and with return values
- No arguments and with return values
- Types of arguments to functions
- Required Arguments
- Keyword Arguments
- Default Arguments
- Variable Length Arguments
- Scope of the variable
- Local Scope
- Global Scope
- Nested Functions
- Recursive Functions
- Lambda Function
- Closures
- Decorators
- Generators
- Iterators
- Strings
- What is string
- Various types string declaration
- Methods to access string elements
- Forward Indexing
- Backward Indexing
- Slice Operator Method
- String Operators(+,*)
- String Handling Functions
- String membership
- String Comparison
- Space removal
- Finding Substrings
- Counting Substrings
- Replace a string
- Splitting Stings
- Joining Strings
- Changing Case of a string
- Checking Start and end of the string
- Checking Type of character
- Formatting the strings
- Lists
- Intro to List
- Various ways to declare list
- Various ways to access list elements
- List vs Mutability
- Traversing and possible operations
- Metadata Functions
- Data Manipulation functions
- Nested List
- Tuple
- Intro to Tuple
- Various ways to declare tuple ds
- Various ways to access tuple elements
- Justification tuple as immutable
- Tuple operators
- Tuple operations
- Tuple packing and unpacking
- Set
- Intro to Set Ds
- Various ways to declare set ds
- Various ways to access set elements
- Various set operations
- Dictionary
- Intro to Dictionary DS
- Various ways to declare Dictionary ds
- Various ways to access Dictionary
- Elements
- Various operations on dictionary
- Organizing python project into packages
- Types of packages
- Predefined
- User Defined
- Package vs Folder
- py file
- Importing Package
- PIP Command
- Introduction to PIP
- Installing PIP
- Installing python packages
- Uninstalling Python Packages
- Module Introduction
- Types of Modules
- Predefined Modules
- User Defined Modules
- Creation of User Defined Modules
- Function based Modules
- Class based modules
- Connecting Modules
- Importing Modules
- From…. Import instruction
- Module alias name creation
- DATE & TIME Modules
- Calendar Module
- OS Module
- Introduction to Files
- Types of files
- Text files
- Binary Files
- Text file Opening method
- Conventional method
- With keyword opening file
- File Modes
- Read mode
- Write mode
- Append mode
- Read & write mode
- Reading data from text file
- Various methods to read text from file
- Various methods to read text from file
- Writing data to text file
- Appending data into file
- Rename file name
- Delete file
- Close file
- Seek() method
- Tell() method
- Binary file open() method
- Binary file read() method
- Binary file write() method
- Open CSV file
- Read CSV file
- Write data to CSV File
- Open JSON file
- Read JSON File
- Write data to JSON File
- Open XML file
- Read XML file
- Write XML file
- Introduction to RE
- Symbolic Notations in RE
- “re” module functions
- Built-in Functions associated with RE
- Search( ) function
- Findall( ) function
- Compile() function
- Sub( ) function
- Subn ( ) function
- Expressions using operators and
- symbols
- Simple character matches
- Special characters demonstrations
- Character Classes
- Mobile number extraction
- eMail extraction
- Identifier extraction
- Web scrapping
- Introduction to OOP
- OOP Terminologies
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Class
- Object/Entity
- Members
- Methods
- OOP vs POP
- Assignment case study to determine attributes associated with an entity
- Distinguish ways to create class
- Types of variables
- Instance Variable
- Class Variable
- Static variables
- Types of Methods
- Instance Methods
- Class Method
- Static Method
- Purpose of Constructor
- Purpose of Destructor
- Self-reference variable
- Purpose of Garbage Collection
- Super() method
- Access Modifiers
- Public
- Private
- Protected
- Inheritance Concept
- Single
- Multilevel
- Multiple
- Hierarchical
- Hybrid
- Polymorphism concept
- Overloading
- Operator overloading
- Method Overloading
- Overriding
- Method Overriding
- Constructor Overriding
- Abstract Method
- Abstract class
- Interface
- Overloading
- Introduction to Exception Handling
- Syntax Errors
- Runtime/Semantic/Execution Errors
- Hierarchy of Exceptions in Python
- Exceptions thrown by software
- NameError
- ValueError
- ImportError
- ZeroDivisionError
- TypeError
- AttributeError
- IndexError
- IOError
- KeyError
- EOFError
- MemoryError
- NotImplementedError
- OSError
- OverflowError
- ReferenceError
- IdentationError
- TabError
- Exceptions thrown by hardware/Interrupt
- Different ways to handle Exceptions using keywords try, except, finally
- Types of-Exceptions
- Built-in Exceptions
- User Defined Exceptions
- Raise Keyword
- Introduction to TKINTER Module
- Intro to GUI Programming
- Tk Class
- Components/Widgets
- Label
- Entry
- Button
- Combo
- Radio
- Types of layouts
- Handling events
- Sample Projects
- Employee Payslip Computation App
- Hospital Management App
- Ecommerce Management App
- Student Management App
- Introduction to DB
- File system vs DBMS
- Expected Features from data stored in DB
- SQL Commands
- DDL Commands
- DML Commands
- DCL Command
- Steps for MySQL installation
- Commands to integrate python with Mysql
- Testing mysql connector
- connector module
- Connect method
- Various operations on Mysql
- MongoDB database Installation
- SQL vs NoSQL Representation
- Installation of MongoDB
- Integration between python with MongoDB
- CRUD Operations
- FireBase Cloud
- Integration with Firebase cloud by Python
- Intro to Socket Programming
- Socket module
- Server socket methods
- Connection establishment between client and server
- Case study programs between client and server
- Introduction to python Django
- Django Web Framework
- Why Framework
- Features of Django Framework
- Define MVT architecture
- MVC vs MVT architectures
- Django & Atom Installation
- Steps to install Django
- Steps to install Atom
- Configuration of Atom for Python
- Django project vs Django Application
- Steps to create Django Project
- Steps to run Django Development server
- How to send first request
- Role of Web Server
- Creation of web Application
- Configuration setup steps
- Http request flow in Django Application
- Summarization of activities related to Django Project
- Demonstration of Django Project Application development
- Scipy Package
- Numpy Module
- List vs numpy
- Array attributes
- shape
- ndim
- itemsize
- Array Creation Routines
- empty
- zeros
- ones
- Array from existing data
- asarray
- frombuffer
- fromiter
- Array from numerical Ranges
- arrange
- linspace
- logspace
- Indexing and slicing
- Braodcasting
- Pandas Module
- Series
- series
- Data Frames
- DataFrame
- Create Dataframe
- Create empty Dataframe
- Create Dataframe from list
- Create Dataframe from dictionary
- Column selection
- Column addition
- Column deletion
- Row selection, addition and deletion
- Matplotlib Module
- Drawing various types of graphs
- Introduction to data science
- Introduction machine learning
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with Python Training?
Gain experience in the python programming language by practically implementing and running codes with the help of timely assignments and assessments to keep your progress in track.
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